[Freeswitch-users] Make a call with Perl

Matthias Cramer matthias.cramer at iway.ch
Tue Jan 22 12:21:15 MSK 2013

Hi Michael

On 21/01/13 20:50, Michael Collins wrote:
> If you have the FS Cookbook <http://link.packtpub.com/nuIOlX> then check out chapter 4, page 81. If you don't have the FS Cookbook then *SHAME* on you! :D

I've ordered the book, but it has not yet arrived... :-(

> Tip: you can download the examples from both book at the Packt Publishing website. The only caveat as far as I can tell is that you need to create a login account.

You do not need a login... Could download them without one.

> Grab the examples for the Cookbook and look at chapter 4. The recipe is called "Launching a call with an inbound event socket connect" and it's written in - you guessed it - Perl. :)

I started exactly with that example, I do an originate with &playback(). But I do not have real control over the call. I can not play anything else in the audio stream.

And if the playback is finished the call hangs up ...

Attached is the script I came up with so far ...



Matthias Cramer / mc322-ripe   Senior Network & Security Engineer
iway AG                        Phone +41 43 500 1111
Badenerstrasse 569             Fax   +41 44 271 3535
CH-8048 Zürich                 http://www.iway.ch/
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