[Freeswitch-users] Digium TDM410 + DTMF + echo cancel

Dubrovskiy Viacheslav slava at tangramltd.com
Sun Jan 20 14:24:58 MSK 2013

20.01.2013 08:14, Tim Bock пишет:
> Hi,
> I am having a continuing problem with freeswitch and the Digium TDM 
> card.  For some period of time after a reboot, DTMF is detected 
> correctly for incoming calls, and there is no problem with echo. All is 
> good.
> Then at some point, dtmf is no longer detected on incoming calls handled 
> by the TDM card.  Presumably at the same time that dtmf quits being 
> detected, the echo cancellation quits working.  Again, just on incoming 
> calls handled by the Digium card.  The only way I've been able to get 
> things working again is to reboot the server, but it doesn't seem to 
> last for long.
> Can anyone suggest how I might track down what is wrong?
Try enable DTMF debug in freetdm and compare results.

Example for freetdm.conf


[span zt mySpan]
debugdtmf => yes

Dubrovskiy Viacheslav

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