[Freeswitch-users] mod_spandsp keeps returning "error reading frame"

Benoit Raymond benoit.raymond at amiconcept.com
Wed Jan 9 06:15:07 MSK 2013



I've been playing with spandsp for a couple of days already and couldn't
find much discussion about it to make it work.


First, I have tried it from the dialplan:

    <condition field="destination_number" expression="1234" break="never">

      <action application="log" data="INFO Making a call to 1234 and
detecting for the tone"/>

      <action application="start_tone_detect" data="alarm_panel" />

      <action application="bridge" data="sofia/gateway/${default_gw}/1234"/>

      <action application="hangup"/>



Then I thought it was due to the fact the call hasn't been answered yet so
reverted to create a lua script and test again. 


This is the lua code I used:

originate_base =

dialstr = "sofia/gateway/mygw/1234";


mySession = null;

ostr = originate_base..dialstr;


con = freeswitch.EventConsumer("DETECTED_TONE");


freeswitch.consoleLog("info", "Dialing Leg: " .. ostr .. "\n");

mySession = freeswitch.Session(ostr);

local hcause = mySession:hangupCause();


if ( mySession:ready() ) then

  freeswitch.consoleLog("info", "We are connected. Start tone detection\n");

  mySession:execute("sleep", 250);

  mySession:execute("start_tone_detect", "alarm_panel");


  -- Wait for the HANDSHAKE

  freeswitch.consoleLog("info", "Now we wait for the HANDSHAKE\n");

  mySession:execute("sleep", 5000);

  freeswitch.consoleLog("info", "After the 5 seconds sleep\n");

  for e in (function() return con:pop(1,2000) end) do

    freeswitch.consoleLog("info", "Got an Event: " .. e:serialize("xml") ..



  -- I guess we are done




Nada . while the call is answered already, it is still failing:

2013-01-08 21:40:13.835554 [NOTICE] switch_cpp.cpp:78 bound to DETECTED_TONE

2013-01-08 21:40:13.835554 [INFO] switch_cpp.cpp:1227 Dialing Leg:

2013-01-08 21:40:13.835554 [NOTICE] switch_channel.c:926 New Channel
sofia/external/1234 [e50a57ac-5a05-11e2-9f6a-996996505a23]

2013-01-08 21:40:14.315558 [NOTICE] sofia.c:6428 Channel
[sofia/external/1234] has been answered

2013-01-08 21:40:14.335571 [INFO] switch_cpp.cpp:1227 We are connected.
Start tone detection

2013-01-08 21:40:14.595560 [INFO] mod_spandsp_dsp.c:464
(sofia/external/1234) initializing tone detector

2013-01-08 21:40:14.595560 [INFO] switch_cpp.cpp:1227 Now we wait for the

2013-01-08 21:40:14.615556 [INFO] mod_spandsp_dsp.c:475
(sofia/external/1234) error reading frame

2013-01-08 21:40:14.615556 [INFO] mod_spandsp_dsp.c:500
(sofia/external/1234) destroying tone detector

2013-01-08 21:40:19.615559 [INFO] switch_cpp.cpp:1227 After the 5 seconds

2013-01-08 21:40:21.615561 [NOTICE] switch_cpp.cpp:637 Hangup
sofia/external/1234 [CS_SOFT_EXECUTE] [NORMAL_CLEARING]


The spandsp.conf.xml:

    <descriptors debug-level="2">

     <descriptor name="alarm_panel">

       <tone name="HANDSHAKE">

         <element freq1="1400" freq2="0" min="95" max="105"/>

         <element freq1="0" freq2="0" min="95" max="105"/>

         <element freq1="2300" freq2="0" min="95" max="105"/>


       <tone name="KISSOFF">

         <element freq1="1400" freq2="0" min="750" max="1000"/>




It is loading as per the DEBUG output:

2013-01-08 22:08:39.900772 [DEBUG] mod_spandsp.c:449 Adding tone_descriptor:

2013-01-08 22:08:39.900772 [DEBUG] mod_spandsp.c:470 Adding tone_descriptor:
alarm_panel, tone: HANDSHAKE(0)

2013-01-08 22:08:39.900772 [DEBUG] mod_spandsp.c:505 Adding tone_descriptor:
alarm_panel, tone: HANDSHAKE(0), element (1400, 0, 95, 105)

2013-01-08 22:08:39.900772 [DEBUG] mod_spandsp.c:505 Adding tone_descriptor:
alarm_panel, tone: HANDSHAKE(0), element (0, 0, 95, 105)

2013-01-08 22:08:39.900772 [DEBUG] mod_spandsp.c:505 Adding tone_descriptor:
alarm_panel, tone: HANDSHAKE(0), element (2300, 0, 95, 105)

2013-01-08 22:08:39.900772 [DEBUG] mod_spandsp.c:470 Adding tone_descriptor:
alarm_panel, tone: KISSOFF(1)

2013-01-08 22:08:39.900772 [DEBUG] mod_spandsp.c:505 Adding tone_descriptor:
alarm_panel, tone: KISSOFF(1), element (1400, 0, 750, 1000)

2013-01-08 22:08:39.900772 [DEBUG] mod_spandsp_fax.c:192 FAX timer thread

2013-01-08 22:08:39.900772 [DEBUG] mod_spandsp.c:574 mod_spandsp loaded,
using spandsp library version [20100724 163333]

2013-01-08 22:08:39.900772 [CONSOLE] switch_loadable_module.c:1318
Successfully Loaded [mod_spandsp]


I am using freeswitch 1.2:

freeswitch at internal> version

FreeSWITCH Version 1.2.0 (git-1eae279 2012-05-14 13-07-40 -0500)


I tried using the tone_detect from Freeswitch core but it is not consistent


Anyone made mod_spandsp working?




Benoit Raymond

AMI Concept Inc.

Business VoIP Solutions / Web Design

Phone: (450) 553-1231

http://www.amiconcept.com <http://www.amiconcept.com/> 


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