[Freeswitch-users] mod_event_socket event with no eventname

Gilbert Amar gamar at center.com
Fri Jan 4 01:42:33 MSK 2013


I am using mod_event_socket org.freeswitch.esl.client-0.9.2 and FreeSWITCH
My app is build upon the Event Socket Outbound with :
Socket-Mode: async
Control: full
event plain ALL

I notice that I am receiving event like this 

Content-Length: 143
Content-Type: text/event-plain

Command: sendmsg%20978b97b2-55a4-11e2-b38d-1f8230fa05b2
call-command: execute
execute-app-name: playback
execute-app-arg: phrase%3AAC_0002%3A

Please notice the missing Event-Name
The context : on an  incoming call after playing some sound file I originate
a new call and play a phrase to the outbound call.
Not only this seems wrong to me but I receive this on the two connection
that are involve.

I attach the Wireshark pcap file.

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