[Freeswitch-users] Monitoring Phone Endpoint Deregistration/Losing Connection

Avi Marcus avi at avimarcus.net
Wed Feb 27 03:14:43 MSK 2013

I'd like to monitor if my user's sip phones are disconnected, to let me
know there might be a problem in advance.

I see there's a CUSTOM event called sofia::unregister. I presume that
triggers whenever a phone doesn't re-register in enough time.

However, with default registation of 60 minutes (or even 10) I'd like more

I have the endpoints pinging FS, but I don't see an event or that
information stored anywhere.

How about setting nat-options-ping (or better, all-reg-options-ping since
most NATed endpoint don't actually self-identify).
Do I get an event if that fails?
I see unregister-on-options-fail but that seemed too aggressive when I
tried that in the past.

What exactly does the less sever mark-dead-on-options-fail do? Does it
remove it from the user/$NUMBER endpoint?
Does it trigger an event for me?

Other suggestions?

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