[Freeswitch-users] Audio dropped using unimrcp tts.

Christopher Rienzo cmrienzo at gmail.com
Wed Feb 27 03:13:59 MSK 2013

Sorry for the delay.  I looked at the pcap and it confirmed my suspicion.
 The MRCP server doesn't reply with IN-PROGRESS until 1.35 sec of audio has
already been transmitted.

IN-PROGRESS tells mod_unimrcp that the request is has been accepted and is
being processed.  The module assumes the reply is immediately sent before
the RTP is streamed.


On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 6:09 AM, Manuel Durán Aguete <manuel at aguete.org>wrote:

> Hello,
> I've update the dropbox folder with the pcap and mod_unimrcp_rx/tx files,
> added the log file too.
> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/tcgnktzzby0h2ns/v7ViiUyObB
> I've tested with branch 1.2 and with master, the pcap is from master code.
> Thank you for your help.
> Regards.
> 2013/2/15 Christopher Rienzo <cmrienzo at gmail.com>
>> Send PCAP with the RTSP signaling and RTP audio.  I'm curious when the
>> server starts streaming the audio.
>> On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 4:20 AM, Manuel Durán Aguete <manuel at aguete.org>wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I've tried with different values for sleep, but the problem persists,
>>> in http://pastebin.freeswitch.org/20594 i've posted the call log.
>>> I've enabled MOD_UNIMRCP_DEBUG_AUDIO_QUEUE in mod_unircp.cm  the audio
>>> streams  generated can be downloaded from
>>> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/tcgnktzzby0h2ns/v7ViiUyObB.
>>> I've changed the speak data to
>>>    <extension name="unimrcp">
>>>      <condition field="destination_number" expression="^5555$">
>>>        <action application="answer"/>
>>>        <action application="set" data="tts_engine=unimrcp"/>
>>>        <action application="set" data="tts_voice=leonor"/>
>>>        <action application="sleep" data="1000"/>
>>>        <action application="speak" data="1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0"/>
>>>        <action application="sleep" data="500"/>
>>>        <action application="hangup"/>
>>>      </condition>
>>>    </extension>
>>> and only "3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0" is played in softphone.
>>> Thank you for your help.
>>> Regards.
>>> 2013/2/14 Michael Collins <msc at freeswitch.org>
>>>> Try adding a sleep in your dialplan prior to the call to "speak"
>>>> application. Start with 1000 ms and see if it makes any difference, then
>>>> tweak the sleep time from there.
>>>> -MC
>>>>  On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 5:26 AM, Manuel Durán Aguete <
>>>> manuel at aguete.org> wrote:
>>>>>  Hello,
>>>>> I'm a newbie testing freeswitch tts with loquendo mrcp1 server,
>>>>> mrcp_profile:
>>>>> <include>
>>>>>   <profile name="loquendo-mrcp1" version="1">
>>>>>     <param name="server-ip" value=""/>
>>>>>     <param name="server-port" value="554"/>
>>>>>     <param name="resource-location" value=""/>
>>>>>     <param name="speechsynth" value="synthesizer"/>
>>>>>     <param name="speechrecog" value="recognizer"/>
>>>>>     <param name="rtp-ip" value="$${local_ip_v4}"/>
>>>>>     <param name="rtp-port-min" value="4000"/>
>>>>>     <param name="rtp-port-max" value="5000"/>
>>>>>     <param name="codecs" value="PCMU PCMA"/>
>>>>>     <synthparams>
>>>>>     </synthparams>
>>>>>     <recogparams>
>>>>>     </recogparams>
>>>>>    </profile>
>>>>> </include>
>>>>> Dialplan code:
>>>>>    <extension name="unimrcp">
>>>>>      <condition field="destination_number" expression="^5555$">
>>>>>        <action application="answer"/>
>>>>>        <action application="set" data="tts_engine=unimrcp"/>
>>>>>        <action application="set" data="tts_voice=leonor"/>
>>>>>        <action application="speak" data="Teclea o dime un número de 1
>>>>> a 10"/>
>>>>>        <action application="sleep" data="500"/>
>>>>>      </condition>
>>>>>    </extension>
>>>>> I can hear all text with first word dropped. I've captured the rtp
>>>>> traffic and the audio between FS <-> Loquendo contains the word. After
>>>>> apply the  fixed recommended in
>>>>> http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/RTP_Issues#Dropped_Audio the issue
>>>>> persists.
>>>>> Any idea, suggestion, etc ?
>>>>> Thank you.
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