[Freeswitch-users] Event being fired.

Richard Mace richard.mace at gmail.com
Thu Dec 5 15:42:11 MSK 2013

Could anybody tell me what is likely causing the following event to be
fired please? It seems to be happening every 15 minutes.

2013-12-05 12:31:29.310838 [DEBUG] switch_rtp.c:1280  [  zrtp cache]:
ZRTP cache to <C:/Program Files/FreeSWITCH/db/zrtp.dat>...
[DEBUG] esl.c:1307 esl_recv_event() RECV HEADER [Content-Type] = [log/data]
[DEBUG] esl.c:1307 esl_recv_event() RECV HEADER [Content-Length] = [75]
[DEBUG] esl.c:1307 esl_recv_event() RECV HEADER [Log-Level] = [7]
[DEBUG] esl.c:1307 esl_recv_event() RECV HEADER [Text-Channel] = [0]
[DEBUG] esl.c:1307 esl_recv_event() RECV HEADER [Log-File] = [switch_rtp.c]
[DEBUG] esl.c:1307 esl_recv_event() RECV HEADER [Log-Func] =
[DEBUG] esl.c:1307 esl_recv_event() RECV HEADER [Log-Line] = [1141]
[DEBUG] esl.c:1307 esl_recv_event() RECV HEADER [User-Data] = []
[DEBUG] esl.c:1470 esl_recv_event() RECV MESSAGE
Content-Type: log/data
Content-Length: 75
Log-Level: 7
Text-Channel: 0
Log-File: switch_rtp.c
Log-Func: zrtp_cache_save_callback
Log-Line: 1141
Content-Length: 75

2013-12-05 12:31:29.342010 [DEBUG] switch_rtp.c:1141 Saving ZRTP cache: OK

2013-12-05 12:31:29.342010 [DEBUG] switch_rtp.c:1141 Saving ZRTP cache: OK

I am trying to get a PBXwithH323 -> Yate server -> FreeSWITCH SIP working
and am trying to work out what's happening.

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