[Freeswitch-users] freeswitch HANGING (process exists but stops responding)

Nuno Reis nreis at wavecom.pt
Mon Aug 12 23:29:07 MSD 2013

Hello all.

I've been experiencing a problem with freeswitch where it stops responding
(doesn't answer any SIP REQUESTS) and produces the following output in the
log file every time the symptom happens:

2013-08-12 15:18:31.488906 [WARNING] switch_event.c:552 Create event
dispatch thread 1
2013-08-12 15:18:31.578906 [WARNING] switch_event.c:554 Create additional
event dispatch thread 2
2013-08-12 15:18:31.598907 [WARNING] switch_event.c:554 Create additional
event dispatch thread 3
2013-08-12 15:18:31.648904 [WARNING] switch_event.c:554 Create additional
event dispatch thread 4
2013-08-12 15:18:31.728905 [WARNING] switch_event.c:554 Create additional
event dispatch thread 5
2013-08-12 15:19:04.348914 [CONSOLE] sofia.c:1602 MSG Thread 4 Started

After this, i can see that the process exists and i can get to the fs_cli
prompt, although none of the normal command like: show calls work. The
command simply hangs without returning back a response.
I think this could be memory related, although can't find a reasonable
explanation to that. I had 4GB of physical RAM available + 512MB for SWAP
on a CentOS x86_64 machine and the OS was using like about 800MB but if i
considered  the cached amount of memory, it was like a total of 3.8GB which
from what i understand is normal in linux, since the kernel tries to cache
all the available memory over time.
Nevertheless i've decided to give the machine more 4GB RAM and SWAP is now
16GB, so now i've 8GB total for physical RAM and 16GB SWAP which solved the
problem at least temporarily and made freeswitch stop getting back into the
symptom described above.
I can see that the cached memory is again growing over time. I still don't
know if I'll end up with the same symptom again when the total used memory
(used+ cached) gets near the 8GB.

Anyone has had this symptom before too?
Some feedback is appreciated.



*Nuno Miguel Reis* | *Unified Communication** Systems*
M. +351 913907481 | nreis at wavecom.pt
WAVECOM-Soluções Rádio, S.A.
Cacia Park | Rua do Progresso, Lote 15
3800-639 AVEIRO | Portugal
T. +351 309 700 225 | F. +351 234 919 191
www.wavecom.pt** <http://www.wavecom.pt/>*

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