[Freeswitch-users] show channels question

Siri MM sirimmfs at gmail.com
Mon Apr 22 11:36:31 MSD 2013


I have a scenario where I first place an incoming call into a FIFO, and
then pop it out to bridge it to another leg. In a different thread in my
application, I keep monitoring the channels, to ensure that my own
application is in sync with whatever is happening within freeswitch. What
I see is, after the call has been removed from the FIFO, and bridged, show
channels still reports application as FIFO. This confuses my application,
as it thinks there should be a call in the FIFO, but when it calls FIFO
count, the count returned is 0.

My question is, is there a way for me to differentiate, in the show
channels output, if a call is indeed in a FIFO, or if it has already been
popped out and bridged? One difference that I see, between the outputs of
show channel before and after the bridge, is 'callee_direction' - before
the call is bridged, this is generally blank, but once the call has been
bridged, it is either SEND or RECV. Can I use this to differentiate between
the two?

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