[Freeswitch-users] Some questions from a relative newbie

D'Arcy Cain darcy at Vex.Net
Sun Sep 23 18:37:50 MSD 2012

Hello.  Long time listener, first time caller.  I have a few questions
but I will split them up into different emails for the benefit of
future mailing list searches.  I just wanted to introduce myself first
and explain what I am trying to do in case someone has some general
advice for me.

I own and run a small ISP up here in Toronto, Canada.  One of my
offerings recently has been VOIP through another provider.  I have
decided to bite the bullet and have set up my own switch (Freeswitch,
of course) and connected it to an aggregator, VOIP Innovations.

I have a home grown billing system that I use to provision other parts
of my ISP and I am going to do the same with VOIP.  I have cron jobs
that check the database and, if necessary, rebuild certain
configuration files and reload them.  That works with the basic stuff I
am doing so far.

I am running on FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE.  As I am also a NetBSD developer I
would like to move it over but FreeBSD has a port and NetSBD does not
yet have a package for Freeswitch.  I will probably be looking at
creating one eventually.

And here is my first question.  I have worked around this but I am
curious.  Has the behaviour of fs_cli under error conditions been
changed recently?  It seems to me that an earlier version worked with
FreeBSD's startup script but 1.2.3 fails.  The issue is a command
issued by the script:

  /usr/local/bin/fs_cli -x "sofia recover"

The problem is that the command is issued before the switch is actually
running.  I am not sure what good that is.  Since it fails, the startup
script doesn't complete and the switch never starts.  I have fixed the
script so that this command runs properly but I was wondering why the
switch even started up before.  Did fs_cli use to always return success
no matter what?


D'Arcy J.M. Cain
System Administrator, Vex.Net
http://www.Vex.Net/ IM:darcy at Vex.Net

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