[Freeswitch-users] Open letter to 'kjv' on irc

Ken Rice krice at freeswitch.org
Sun Oct 21 05:30:43 MSD 2012


thanks for taking the time to notice a possible bug in FreeSWITCH and stopping by the irc channel to ask for help with it on a day where there were not plenty of people around. We actually like it when people do this.

However, thats for being an incredible ass for not taking the results or your investigation and filing a Jira ticket so that the developers responsible for the ZRTP support can have all the details so that it can be properly resolved. I know your time is valuable, as is everyone elses time. Now, we have to waste time digging around trying to duplicate the issue. When the developer responsible could have read the ticket, looked at the revevant information and fixed the issue.

Thank you sir for making the lives of the men, that give their lives work away for free, that much harder this coming week.


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