[Freeswitch-users] Trouble with transfer and voicemail password

Trever L. Adams trever.adams at gmail.com
Mon Mar 26 22:27:39 MSD 2012

Hello everyone,

I hope someone can help me. I am using my home as a setup to test

I am using FXO for my incoming and FXS to phones around the home. I am
trying to do blind transfers when *0# is dialed on the internal phones
for calls coming from outside the home. I currently have:

                <extension name="setup bind_digit_action_transfer">
                  <condition field="destination_number"
                     <action application="log" data="INFO Configuring
bind_digit_action to do recording on this session..."/>
                     <action application="bind_digit_action"
data="do_transfer,*0#,exec:execute_extension,DO_TRANSFER XML Incoming-FXO"/>
                     <action application="digit_action_set_realm"

                <extension name="setup transfer" continue="true">
                  <condition field="chan_name" expression="^FreeTDM/3:1/">
                     <action application="set"
                     <action application="set"
data="bridge_pre_execute_bleg_data=SETUP_TRANSFER XML Incoming-FXO"/>

               <extension name="bind_digit_action Do Transfer">
                  <condition field="destination_number"
                    <action application="log" data="INFO Transferring
external call to another internal location..."/>
                    <action application="read" data="0 10 NULL
int_extension 10000 #"/>
                    <action application="transfer" data="-bleg

The transfer immediately starts ringing the entire house (1000).  This
is true even when I am trying to get it to transfer to 1003.

Also, http://jira.freeswitch.org/browse/OPENZAP-173 seems to be back in
that when the incoming phone hangs up, it seems to continue to ring.
Maybe I have this setup all wrong.

I do not want anyone outside (the call originator) to be able to
initiate the transfer. I want the transferring party to be cut out of
the call. I want the outside and the *0#INTERNAL_EXT# to be connected.

As for voicemail, I all FXS, no SIP for now. How do I set the password?
How would I setup a common voicemail box that every thing goes to except
one extension? That should have a separate box and password.

Thank you for any help.
I love dogs, but I hate Chihuahuas. A Chihuahua isn't a dog. It's a rat
with a thyroid problem. -- Unknown

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