[Freeswitch-users] Voice Mail - Core dump

John freeswitch at earthspike.net
Wed Mar 7 03:14:58 MSK 2012

On 06/03/12 21:47, Volker Wend wrote:
> Thanks, I am a Newbie. I didn't know about the bugtracking... I will get back later. I did a checkout today.
> Regards,
> Volker
> Am 06.03.2012 um 22:20 schrieb "Patrick Lists" <freeswitch-list at puzzled.xs4all.nl>:
>> On 06-03-12 15:02, Volker Wend wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I try to use the voice mail modul and get always a core dump (first
>>> usage). Any Ideas how to proceed ?
>> First you probably want to make sure that this core dump still happens
>> with today's git. If it does then that's a bug which should be reported
>> (including the backtrace) at http://jira.freeswitch.org
>> Before you do that checkout the following link so you provide the
>> developers with all the information they need:
>> http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Reporting_Bugs#Reporting_A_Bug_With_JIRA
>> Regards,
>> Patrick
>> Volker Wend
Have you enabled email delivery of voicemails?  There's also a section
on debugging email delivery within the mod_voicemail wiki page. 
Segfaults are often caused by some sendmail installations, so many
people have used other mail delivery mechanisms (eg nullmailer, ssmtp,


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