[Freeswitch-users] fs_cli -x 'cdr_csv rotate' does not always rotate cdr_csv-files.

Antonio asilva at wirelessmundi.com
Thu Mar 1 13:44:54 MSK 2012

Using the latest git version, on executing cdr rotation, using "cdr_csv
rotate" doesn't work as expected...


After reload the mod_cdr_csv:
freeswitch at internal> reload mod_cdr_csv
+OK module unloaded
+OK Reloading XML
+OK module loaded

NOTE: (this output happens also happens after an entire restart of
freeswitch at internal> cdr_csv rotate

After some call:
freeswitch at internal> cdr_csv rotate
2012-03-01 11:29:14.137741 [NOTICE] mod_cdr_csv.c:122 Re-opened CDR
logfile /opt/freeswitch/log/cdr-csv/Master.csv

-- I COULD GET ROTATION ONCE... but i don't know what i did... i just
start work until i reload cdr_csv again...

freeswitch at internal> cdr_csv rotate
2012-03-01 11:23:44.397733 [NOTICE] mod_cdr_csv.c:122 Rotated CDR
logfile /opt/freeswitch/log/cdr-csv/Master.csv

CDR_CSV.XML: http://pastebin.freeswitch.org/18553

If you need more information to track the error, please let me know.
If you think is appropriated i could open a jira issue.


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