[Freeswitch-users] Simple SPA8800 FXO connection to FreeSwitch
Michael Collins
msc at freeswitch.org
Fri Jun 29 19:20:57 MSD 2012
Go to fs_cli and type:
distributor cisco_fxo
If you get an error then you know your distributor is not set up correctly.
If you get "fxolineX" then your dialplan call to distributor is not
correct. Most likely it's the former, and most likely mod_distributor is
not compiled and/or installed.
In FS source:
Edit modules.conf and uncomment the line with "mod_distributor"
Do "make mod_distributor-install"
In fs_cli do:
load mod_distributor
Then go to conf/autoload_configs/modules.conf.xml
Uncomment the line w/ mod_distributor
That will make mod_distributor load each time FS starts.
On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 9:22 PM, Robin Gilks <robin.gilks at taitradio.com>wrote:
> Greetings
> I'm a noob with FS (and VoIP generally!!) and am really struggling
> with getting 2 way comms between a PABX and a soft-phone using FS and
> an SPA8800.
> Calls from the PABX are OK, the FXO ports have registered with FS and
> when I dial the FXO extension I get the dial tone, dial the number for
> the soft-phone and it all works fine.
> The problem is connections *TO* the PABX. The SPA8800 AFAIK has a
> separate SIP port for each of its FXO ports. My understanding of how
> it should work is as follows:
> I have to have 4 gateways defined in a file in the
> sip-profiles/externals directory, each with a different "sip-port"
> line. I'm testing with 2 to start with:
> # cat cicsco_fxo.xml
> <include>
> <gateway name="fxoline3">
> <param name="username" value="none"/>
> <param name="password" value="none"/>
> <param name="realm" value=""/>
> <param name="sip-port" value="5260"/>
> <param name="register" value="false"/>
> </gateway>
> <gateway name="fxoline4">
> <param name="username" value="none"/>
> <param name="password" value="none"/>
> <param name="realm" value=""/>
> <param name="sip-port" value="5360"/>
> <param name="register" value="false"/>
> </gateway>
> I have to use mod_distributor to select one of the gateways that
> define the SIP ports. Thats is configured in the autoload_configs
> directory.
> # cat distributor.conf.xml
> <configuration name="distributor.conf" description="Distributor
> Configuration">
> <lists>
> <list name="cisco_fxo" total-weight="2">
> <node name="fxoline3" weight="1"/>
> <node name="fxoline4" weight="1"/>
> </list>
> </lists>
> </configuration>
> Finally, I use a dialplan to access this distribution of gateways when
> a 4 digit number starting with 8 is dialed from the soft-phone.
> # cat 33_ciscofox.xml
> <include>
> <extension name="pabx">
> <condition field="destination_number" expression="^(8\d{3})$">
> <action application="bridge"
> data="sofia/gateway/${distributor(cisco_fxo)}/$1"/>
> </condition>
> </extension>
> </include>
> Result expected - it all works.
> Result I get is:
> freeswitch at PBX.localdomain> 2012-06-29 04:13:44.287982 [NOTICE]
> switch_channel.c:926 New Channel sofia/internal/1002 at
> [d0fc47e6-c1a0-11e1-881d-f70f560259d2]
> 2012-06-29 04:13:44.287982 [INFO] mod_dialplan_xml.c:485 Processing
> 1002 <1002>->8569 in context default
> 2012-06-29 04:13:44.298584 [ERR] mod_sofia.c:4492 Invalid Gateway ''
> 2012-06-29 04:13:44.298584 [NOTICE] mod_sofia.c:4889 Close Channel N/A
> [CS_NEW]
> 2012-06-29 04:13:44.298584 [NOTICE] switch_ivr_originate.c:2535 Cannot
> create outgoing channel of type [sofia] cause: [INVALID_GATEWAY]
> 2012-06-29 04:13:44.298584 [INFO] mod_dptools.c:2956 Originate Failed.
> 2012-06-29 04:13:44.298584 [NOTICE] mod_dptools.c:3076 Hangup
> sofia/internal/1002 at [CS_EXECUTE] [INVALID_GATEWAY]
> 2012-06-29 04:13:44.298584 [NOTICE] switch_core_session.c:1447 Session
> 11 (sofia/internal/1002 at Ended
> 2012-06-29 04:13:44.298584 [NOTICE] switch_core_session.c:1449 Close
> Channel sofia/internal/1002 at [CS_DESTROY]
> So what is invalid about the gateway?
> Cheers
> --
> Robin Gilks
> --
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