[Freeswitch-users] FreeSWITCH, OSX, Libtool, Macports

Chris Mylonas chris at opencsta.org
Tue Jun 19 05:55:24 MSD 2012

> Hi Chris,

Hi Terry!

> I saw your thread in the list archives and used the subject line for my email hoping that it would continue the discussion.  In that thread it sounds like you had to remove macports to get FS to install. Am I misreading that?

I can't believe you just used it like that!  How dare you :P
OTOH, good thinking.  I nearly didn't read your email but Daniel's response caught my eye.  I remember being able to do that and that's what got me started (I needed to get FS running fast) - and that's macports got the boot unforch.

If you've got good karma with the macports crew then i can certainly muck things up on my laptop again, i know how to do a 180 to get out of it now :)
It will have to wait until July though.


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