[Freeswitch-users] Brute-force attack

ocset ocset at the800group.com
Thu Jun 14 06:27:50 MSD 2012


I have deployed Freeswiitch on windows 7 and since there is no fail2ban 
on windows, I was wondering what the real risk is with opening it up to 
the internet. If I was to ensure that all users and passwords were 
extremely difficult to guess (passwords like "2$53E_d7?^2!3s$"), what 
are the risks that I am exposing myself to? Is there a type of DoS for 
voip where hackers can just flood my system with requests simply to be 

There are VB windows scripts available that emulate what fail2ban does 
on Linux but I was just wondering whether I really need to implement 
this level of security if I can control the password complexity in 


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