[Freeswitch-users] Using CURL inside a JavaScript.

Venkatesh vvenkatar at gmail.com
Thu Jun 7 04:16:19 MSD 2012

Hi !

I am developing a simple IVR application using JS. One of the things I want
to do when my JS fires is to issue a WS API to fetch some data relevant to
the call; wait for the response and use information in the response to
process the incoming call. To meet that end, I wrote up a simple JS that
issues a CURL request providing appropriate call back function. However, I
dont see any callback being fired back to my application. The JS simply
proceeds to execute the next instruction. I know my WS returns a string
(verified by running the exact same command via a command line). I wanted
to know if there is anything I need to do to make the application "wait for
the call back".  Would appreciate any help.

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