[Freeswitch-users] Problems with multi-FS ODBC cluster

Johannes Jakob lists.jj at googlemail.com
Sat Jul 28 00:58:44 MSD 2012


I'm operating a cluster of three FS boxes "behind" an OpenSIPs
balancer/proxy that's not in the media path, but proxies everything
SIP related in- and outbound.

The central brain is a mysql master/slave setup and I'm using a
combination of NFS and rsync to keep configs and voicemail synced.

I want to balance registrations and calls to all three boxes, but
because of the following issues, currently only one FS is active, the
others on hot standby.

The things that are still troubling me are:

1) Group intercept (*8) isn't working
2) Presence subscriptions aren't working
3) mod_callcenter is misbehaving badly - nonworking.

I was thinking, that with everything moved to the database, the single
boxes should be aware of callstates and uuids on the other boxes, like
they know about which user is registered to which FS.
Now I'm not sure if I've forgotten something, or if a multie-active
setup would be a trade-off between redundancy and loss of features?

All FreeSWITCHes are up-to-date, odbc-dsn has been set for all
important modules:

/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/autoload_configs$ grep dsn * | grep -v '!--'
callcenter.conf.xml:		<param name="odbc-dsn" value="freeswitch"/>
db.conf.xml:    <param name="odbc-dsn" value="freeswitch"/>
switch.conf.xml:    <param name="core-db-dsn" value="freeswitch" />
voicemail.conf.xml:      <param name="odbc-dsn" value="freeswitch"/>

and for both profiles:

$ grep dsn /usr/local/freeswitch/conf/sip_profiles/* | grep -v '!--'
/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/sip_profiles/external.xml:		<param
name="odbc-dsn" value="freeswitch"/>
/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/sip_profiles/internal.xml:		<param
name="odbc-dsn" value="freeswitch"/>

track-calls is also set for both of them, even though I guess this
isn't relevant for my problems as long as I don't use recovery?

$ grep track /usr/local/freeswitch/conf/sip_profiles/* | grep -v '!--'
/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/sip_profiles/external.xml:		<param
name="track-calls" value="true"/>
/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/sip_profiles/internal.xml:		<param
name="track-calls" value="true"/>

As for group intercept, the log says (yes, I stripped most of it, you
all know the default dialplan I guess ;)

Dialplan: sofia/internal/1001 at sip.example.org Regex (PASS)
[group-intercept] destination_number(*8) =~ /^\*8$/ break=on-false
Dialplan: sofia/internal/1001 at sip.example.org Action answer()
Dialplan: sofia/internal/1001 at sip.example.org Action
Dialplan: sofia/internal/1001 at sip.example.org Action
Dialplan: sofia/internal/1001 at sip.example.org Action sleep(2000)
EXECUTE sofia/internal/1001 at sip.example.org set(call_direction=local)
EXECUTE sofia/internal/1001 at sip.example.org answer()
2012-07-27 22:31:35.693292 [NOTICE] mod_dptools.c:1148 Channel
[sofia/internal/1001 at sip.example.org] has been answered
EXECUTE sofia/internal/1001 at sip.example.org set(intercept_unanswered_only=true)
EXECUTE sofia/internal/1001 at sip.example.org intercept()
2012-07-27 22:31:35.693292 [ERR] mod_dptools.c:714 Usage: [-bleg] <uuid>

in extension local_extension, the needed information gets stored in this hash:

       <action application="hash"

and this is working just fine, when enabling only one of the FS boxes.

Did I miss something to share the content of hash's memory?

What could I have missed, that subscriptions aren't working cross FS?
(sip_subscriptions is filled pretty good, but BLF isn't working

Any ideas if mod_callcenter should be working at all? I'm not quite
sure how to interpret this note in the config:

<!-- WARNING: Agents and Tiers XML config shouldn't be used in a multi
FS shared DB setup (Not currently supported anyway) -->

does that mean, mod_callcenter doesn't support multi FS setups or does
it mean, that XML config isn't supported for multi FS environments,
but it should be working fine with odbc?
All of it's config exists in the database (callcenter_config works and
confirms the config on all of the FS boxes), but it doesn't work since
the moment more than one FS box accessed the database...

Well, I know this is quite a beast of an email, but I'd really
appreciate any pointers in the right direction!


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