[Freeswitch-users] AutoNAT - Local Networks not excluded

g g.d.monnezza at tiscali.it
Fri Jul 27 16:30:30 MSD 2012

I found someone talking about similar problems. I read that 
"... some lines of code in sofia_reg.c  

         if (is_nat && profile->local_network && 
switch_check_network_list_ip(network_ip, profile->local_network)) {
                 if (profile->debug) {
SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "IP %s is on local network, not seting NAT mode.\n", 
                 is_nat = NULL;

So I think there is the possibility to set which are local networks.

Also I found in my sip_profiles for nat-mode contain (as it should be) the ext-
IP declaration:
      <param name="ext-sip-ip" value="auto-nat"/>
      <param name="ext-rtp-ip" value="auto-nat"/>
but not the line
<param name="apply-nat-acl" value="rfc1918"/>
May be this line solve my problem.
I'll try as soon as possible, but all my FS servers ara actually in production 
environments :(
If someone has the chance to test it successfully, please report it.

On Tuesday 24 July 2012 05:12:08 VirteX wrote:
> Hi guys. I appreciate so much the Auto-NAT for uPnP capable firewalls. But
> I'm experiencing an issue.
> I have a FreeSwitch server behind a NAT, but I can't find a way to avoid
> FreeSwitch using external IP (for SIP and RTP) for local networks (i.e.
> In my sip profiles for various interfaces I have NOT set the .
> Anyway, the sofia status for all interfaces shows the EXT-RTP-IP and
> EXT-SIP-IP set (with my public gateway IP). That's ok, even if I didn'
> declard it with
> My SIP phones register from a network different from the server one, but
> still a local network. Then, SIP phones receive (from the server) the rtp
> and sip signalling with its external IP. This prevent any communication.
> How it is possible to tell FreeSwitch to NOT use ext IP for particular
> networks?
> Thanks to anyone who will point me in the right direction.
> g

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