[Freeswitch-users] Security settings for FXO gateway

ocset ocset at the800group.com
Thu Jul 12 21:00:59 MSD 2012


There is a wiki on the web which describes how to use a Grandstream FXO 
device with freesiwtch and recommends the following settings. How big a 
security hole is this creating and is there a better way to do this? 
Also, what would the syntax be for the "Add ip=" recommendation?

*add file conf/directory/default/pstn.xml containing*

   <!-- Add ip= to constrain to specific IP address for a little extra security -->
   <user id="Anonymous"/>

*change following in conf/sip_profiles/internal.xml*

<param name="accept-blind-reg" value="true"/>
<param name="accept-blind-auth" value="true"/>

Thanks advance

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