[Freeswitch-users] Wrong date/time in cli and events

David Notivol dnotivol at gmail.com
Thu Jul 5 13:36:21 MSD 2012

Hello all,

I've seen FreeSwitch is reporting wrong dates/times in the events
(Event-Date-*, Caller-Channel-*-Time). Checking the current date in the
cli, it says the wrong date as well, although the system date of the
machine is fine.

freeswitch at internal> strftime
1970-01-05 13:42:15
freeswitch at internal> strftime_tz
freeswitch at internal> strepoch

[root at hermes-test1 freeswitch]# date
Thu Jul  5 05:28:26 EDT 2012

Do you have any clue of why this is happening and how could I solve it?

David Notivol
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