[Freeswitch-users] question: lua how can i create a postcastlist?

Thomas Hoellriegel admin at blindi.net
Tue Jul 3 19:58:33 MSD 2012

Hi guys,
I have many potcast mp3 files in a directory:
the files beginning with:
I like to create a  playlist in lua:
1. read all files, and make a messagecount.
2. generate a menu to use from phone:

press 1 for the next postcast.
2, To repeate the postcast
3. to go to the prev potcast
4 for the fist potcast
5 for the last potcast
6 to hear the date an time for these.

I like to sort, firt in first out.

I don.t find a command in lua:
to read the filelist,
to generate a filecount.
and to generate a navigation keys:
forward, backward, repeate and say the time and date of the current file.

Can your help please?

nice thanks to all.

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