[Freeswitch-users] Strange issue setting variables for mod_xml_cdr

Muhammad Naseer Bhatti nbhatti at gmail.com
Sun Jul 1 01:56:58 MSD 2012

I have gone nuts trying to figure out what is going on. Using xml_cdr to
post CDR(s) to webserver, The Bridge is done outside the lua script, and
all vars are set in lua and exported.

session:setVariable("import", "gateway")
session:setVariable("import", "admin_rate_group")
session:setVariable("import", "sell_rate")
session:setVariable("import", "cost_rate")

The problem is that if I set sell_rate and cost_rate both variables
together, who ever is in the end disapears from the XML POST. If I change
their order, for example set cost_rate first and then sell_rate, then
sell_rate works fine and cost_rate goes off. Looks like some sort of
variable overlapping. I am HEAD with latest/latest.

freeswitch.consoleLog(FREESWITCH_CONSOLE_LOG_LEVEL, "\n cost_rate "..
cost_rate .." \n");
freeswitch.consoleLog(FREESWITCH_CONSOLE_LOG_LEVEL, "\n sell_rate "..
sell_rate .." \n");

This works fine. There is data in these two variables. I am setting up
these session variables along with other variables for the bridge.
log-b-leg is false in the config for xml_cdr.

http://pastebin.freeswitch.org/19408 is the complete PB for the call log.
http://pastebin.freeswitch.org/19409 is the complete XML CDR debug.

cdr_csv shows the same

03:32:29","2012-06-28 03:32:29","2012-06-28

03:32:29","2012-06-28 03:32:29","2012-06-28

Sometimes it works sometimes it wont. All the variables are seen in the
call log. Am I doing something wrong or we hit some sort of a bug?

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