[Freeswitch-users] sofia: disable support for UPDATE message in SIP Accept header

Michal Zubáč michal.zubac at comgate.cz
Mon Jan 23 16:40:20 MSK 2012


I'd like to remove UPDATE value from SIP Accept header when creating SIP 
calls. We're sending it in INVITE message and our provider uses that for 
in-call keep-alive checks every 10 minutes.
FreeSwitch doesn't respond to that, so our provider disconnects RTP and 
call is dropped. According to RFC3311 we can indicate that we don't 
support this by not sending UPDATE in Accept header. Is this gonna help?

Is there any way to drop that from SIP headers from dialplan? Or do I 
have to change source code?
Or better, is there any other (cleaner) way to resolve this?


Michal Zubac
ComGate Interactive s.r.o.

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