[Freeswitch-users] PHP ESL Custom Events Event-Name sent twice

Gerald Weber gerald.weber at besharp.at
Mon Jan 16 18:39:18 MSK 2012


i'm trying to send custom events using PHP ESL Library.
(running FreeSWITCH Version 1.0.head (git-c37c029 2012-01-11 21-35-19 -0600))
My PHP Code:


        $sock = new ESLconnection('', '8021', 'ClueCon');

        $e = new ESLevent("CUSTOM","CONFIG::AGENT_LIST");


When I connect to fs using telnet and run the php script from another xterm, I can see the following output:

Content-Length: 657
Content-Type: text/event-json

        "Event-Subclass":       "CONFIG::AGENT_LIST",
        "Event-Name":   "SOCKET_DATA",
        "Core-UUID":    "b3ac8858-4019-11e1-910a-9b04baf8e5ea",
        "FreeSWITCH-Hostname":  "freeswitch.local",
        "FreeSWITCH-Switchname":        "freeswitch.local",
        "FreeSWITCH-IPv4":      "",
        "FreeSWITCH-IPv6":      "::1",
        "Event-Date-Local":     "2012-01-16 15:20:23",
        "Event-Date-GMT":       "Mon, 16 Jan 2012 14:20:23 GMT",
        "Event-Date-Timestamp": "1326723623776184",
        "Event-Calling-File":   "mod_event_socket.c",
        "Event-Calling-Function":       "read_packet",
        "Event-Calling-Line-Number":    "1188",
        "Command":      "sendevent CUSTOM",
        "Event-Name":   "CUSTOM",
        "Agents":       "2022",
        "ZMQ-Msg-Cnt":  "3508"

Looks ok, but i don't get why  "Event-Name" is sent twice.
Shouldn't there be an Event-Name: CUSTOM only ?
Is there a way to avoid this or am i missing something ?

thx & regards,

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