[Freeswitch-users] gsmopen - samsung gt-c3303k

Nandy Dagondon gcd at i.ph
Wed Jan 11 16:43:48 MSK 2012

hi to gsmopen developers,

fyi, i get this log message repeatedly with this mobile phone Samsung Champ

AT+MMGL="HEADER ONLY" does not get OK from the phone. If your phone is not
Motorola, please contact the gsmopen developers. Else, if your phone IS a
Motorola, probably a long msg was incoming and ther first part was read and
then deleted. The second part is now orphan. If you got this warning
repeatedly, and you cannot correctly receive SMSs from this interface,
please manually clean all messages (and the residual parts of them) from
the cellphone/SIM. Continuing.

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