[Freeswitch-users] Out of event dispatch threads! Slowing things down.

Stephen Wilde wstephen80 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 7 20:20:10 MSK 2012

my system is showing in the log the following critical errors:

2012-01-07 18:13:34.978566 [CRIT] switch_event.c:360 Out of event dispatch
threads! Slowing things down.
2012-01-07 18:13:35.981506 [CRIT] switch_event.c:339 Event system
overloading. Taking a 10 second break
2012-01-07 18:13:36.975496 [CRIT] switch_event.c:360 Out of event dispatch
threads! Slowing things down.
2012-01-07 18:13:37.974385 [CRIT] switch_event.c:339 Event system
overloading. Taking a 10 second break
2012-01-07 18:13:38.977286 [CRIT] switch_event.c:360 Out of event dispatch
threads! Slowing things down.
2012-01-07 18:13:39.983208 [CRIT] switch_event.c:339 Event system
overloading. Taking a 10 second break
2012-01-07 18:13:40.999186 [CRIT] switch_event.c:360 Out of event dispatch
threads! Slowing things down.
2012-01-07 18:13:42.003136 [CRIT] switch_event.c:360 Out of event dispatch
threads! Slowing things down.
2012-01-07 18:14:27.210316 [CRIT] switch_event.c:360 Out of event dispatch
threads! Slowing things down.
2012-01-07 18:14:28.214168 [CRIT] switch_event.c:360 Out of event dispatch
threads! Slowing things down.
2012-01-07 18:14:29.211205 [CRIT] switch_event.c:339 Event system
overloading. Taking a 10 second break
2012-01-07 18:14:30.208196 [CRIT] switch_event.c:360 Out of event dispatch
threads! Slowing things down.
2012-01-07 18:14:31.210143 [CRIT] switch_event.c:339 Event system
overloading. Taking a 10 second break

The CPU is running at 40%-50% of load and the number of sessions in below
the limit, the same for sessions per seconds.

There is any parameter that I have to adjust?

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