[Freeswitch-users] Debugging intermitent BLF problems

Yehavi Bourvine yehavi.bourvine at gmail.com
Mon Jan 2 11:13:59 MSK 2012


  I am "stuck" with FreeSWITCH version from 15-Oct since all newer vesions
that I tried have intermitent BLF problems. The BLF gets stuck once in a
while (stuck in Ringing, busy or free) until the next SUBSCRIBE refresh
(once every hour). It is not determenistic, and it happens on a profile on
which I have over 180 extensions (it does not happen on a test profile I
built and put one phone on it).

  Before I open a JIRA:
1. Has anyone noticed this?
2. What debugs shall I enable so there will be a reasonable amount of data?

BTW, most phones are Polycoms (and one SNOM...).

                              Thanks, __Yehavi:
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