[Freeswitch-users] Access the Remote-Party-ID header from a SIP invite.

Gael Martin gael at kelta.net
Sun Feb 12 02:30:24 MSK 2012

Hi, I need to read the content of the Remote-Party-ID header in a SIP
invite from a provide but I can't seem to find the right channel
variable that has the content

I tried:

<action application="log" data="CONSOLE  RPID ${sip_h_Remote-Party-ID}"/>
<action application="log" data="CONSOLE  RPID ${Remote-Party-ID}"/>
<action application="log" data="CONSOLE  RPID ${sip_h_remote-party-id}"/>
<action application="log" data="CONSOLE  RPID ${sip_rpid}"/>

But it's always blank, even so I can see the Header in the SIP invite.

Any ideas?


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