[Freeswitch-users] Email notification when user unregistered?

Steven Ayre steveayre at gmail.com
Wed Dec 12 22:47:07 MSK 2012

You'll need to manage your expectations here.

SIP registrations start when the client sends a REGISTER, with an expiry
time. They then periodically send additional REGISTERs to remain
registered. They can be spread quite a long way apart - several minutes.

A client explicitly unregisters by sending a REGISTER with a 0 expiry time,
ie the registration expires immediately.

If the client has gone offline because of reboot, network problem etc it
won't send that final REGISTER. You won't see the client unregister until
the end of the expiry time when the client hasn't renewed its registration.

Since that's several minutes later, there's no way to see that they have
unregistered *immediately*. You may be able to reduce the expiry time to
detect they're offline quicker, but that will increase bandwidth and load.

As for actually how to detect the unregistration... I suspect the 2 events
you want to listen for are sofia::unregister and sofia::expire. The names
suggest the 1st will be for an explicit unregister and the 2nd for when the
client fails to reregister within the expiry time. That means the 2nd'll be
the one you'd see if the client goes unexpectedly offline.


On 12 December 2012 17:52, 王理 <itispip-qq at hotmail.com> wrote:

>  Hi Freeswtich Master,
> I'm in a situation where I need to proactively moniter whether some
> device/extension is on in my local network; If for some reason the devices
> are offline, I need to be noticed immediately so that I can restart the
> device;
> Previously I  use xlite client to suscribe to the presence notification of
> the devices, but recently added some devices which not supporting presence
> notification, so I want FreeSwitch to send an email notification when some
> user/extention are getting unregistered;
> How can I capture a Feeswtich user unregister event & launch a LUA script
> then?
> Happy days!
> /Brgds, Alex
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