[Freeswitch-users] Distributed Conference Room

Daniel Eiland daniel.eiland at gmail.com
Thu Dec 6 01:16:46 MSK 2012

Hi guys,

I'm trying to deploy a conferencing solution using FreeSWITCH and running
into a small issue with fail over / hot-standbys.

In my environment, I've got multiple FreeSWITCH/Conference endpoints
registered with an OpenSIPS proxy.  When calls come into OpenSIPS they are
routed to the FreeSWITCH endpoints based on their q-values.  If a
FreeSWITCH instance fails (namely the one with the highest q-value), the
call is simply routed to the next instance.  This works great in most
situations, however in some cases (namely network congestion) the
FreeSWITCH w/highest priority is simply temporarily unavailable and callers
to the same conference endpoint land on different servers.

I'm wondering if there is a mechanism for distributing (or sharing) a
conference room across multiple FreeSWITCH instances.  Namely, if a user
lands in a conference hosted on server A while another lands in the same
conference on server B, is there a mechanism in FreeSWITCH to connect the
two servers/conferences (Presumably some "static" connection between the
servers/rooms) so they can still talk with each over?

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