[Freeswitch-users] How do I...

Erin O'Meara erin.omeara at salmonbaytechnology.com
Fri Apr 27 20:25:43 MSD 2012

These are a few things I want to do with freeswitch (using FusionPBX), but
I'm not sure what the best/easiest way would be. Not so much looking
for explanations on how to solve the problems, more what direction I should
read/research to learn how to solve these problems with freeswitch. But if
you have seen one of the questions answered on the web I will gladly not
re-invent the wheel.

I realize the there are only two variables, time + money. If one of these
ideas is doable, but I'm going to have to spend weeks learning the in's and
out's please mention that :)

1. The same customer calls 3 times in five minutes, if they reach my
voicemail prompt and call back within 5 minutes redirect them straight to

Suggested in IRC to set a dialplan XML variable with a timestamp per
incoming callerid,  if they call back and timestamp is less then five
minutes send straight to voicemail. if this is posible, does not seam like
the best solution because the variables would never expire without some
expire script?

2. I have a hunt group with my desk phone extension, cellphone sip client
extension(only active on WiFi) and external forward to cellphone PSTN
When I get a call, my sip phones ring instantly, and a few seconds later my
cellphone rings thru the PSTN.

Can I enable/disable the cellphone forward based on if my cellphone sip
client is registered?
For my huntgroup, if I have an active call send the call straight to
voicemail/busy message? using limit?

3. Can I have nested hunt groups (I have not tired), basically main number
rings extensions and my personal huntgroup. If my hunt group is busy, its
still rings the other phones before it does its fall back rule.


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