[Freeswitch-users] Lua Call Control ring back

Chrisbware chrisbware at interfree.it
Sun Sep 18 22:44:40 MSD 2011

Hi guys,

testing Lua script made by MSC calle Call Control (you can find it on
wiki, http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Mod_lua#Example:_Call_Control) ,
everything works perfectly.
Just one issue is still open on my tests: when LegA answers, there's no

I'd like to use ringback coming from my provider in early media. How can
I do it?

I've tried setting ignore_early_media=true/false on both legs without
In my case both Leg A and B are calls through my sip provider.

I've tried simplify the script in this way:

legA = freeswitch.Session(slegA);
while (Adisp~="ANSWER" and legA:ready()) do
   Adisp  = legA:getVariable("endpoint_disposition");
   os.execute("sleep 1")
end -- waiting for A to answer

if (Adisp=="ANSWER") then
-- Call LegB
     legB = freeswitch.Session(slegB);
     freeswitch.consoleLog("NOTICE","Fine while B\n");
     freeswitch.consoleLog("NOTICE","LegA down!\n");


and I can hear the ringback! Is there someting on while-do cycle
which block ringback?

Than ks in advance for you help.


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