[Freeswitch-users] FreeTDM woes

Trever L. Adams trever.adams at gmail.com
Fri Oct 28 11:49:53 MSD 2011

I have a span of 4 FXS modules. They are all configured to use context
Internal-FXS. Channel 5 will dial. All the others won't even stop
sending the dialtone when one attempts to dial.

Channel 5 can call channels 1-3 (there is no 4 at the moment, I have
tried it where 4 isn't used and 5 becomes 4, same problem), but if 5
hangs up, the called channel continues to ring.

zt.conf has echo_cancellation_level at 16. Yet, I constantly get
messages like: Disable echo cancel for 1:5

I get messages like this continually: [ERR] ftmod_zt.c:1188 [s1c2][1:2]
Failed to process event from channel

Finally, with the help of someone on this list I now have my call
screening setup to work for the appropriate caller id names and numbers
when it has been blocked. The problem is, the screening part completely

These are the actions from the file, which are only slightly modified
from the example at
. It asks for your name, it records. But it doesn't give ANYTHING to the
dialed party.

            <action application="set"
            <action application="answer"/>
            <action application="sleep" data="1000"/>
            <action application="phrase" data="voicemail_record_name"/>
            <action application="playback" data="tone_stream://%(500, 0,
            <action application="set"
            <action application="record" data="${call_screen_filename} 7
200 2"/>
            <action application="set" data="group_confirm_key=1"/>
            <action application="set" data="fail_on_single_reject=true"/>
            <action application="set"
            <action application="set" data="continue_on_fail=true"/>
             <action application="bridge"
            <action application="voicemail" data="default $${domain}
            <action application="hangup"/>

I don't think the problem is the phrase:screen_confirm as I have tried
removing it. I do set dialed_number to my phone number at the top of
this extension so it is set.

It should be noted that all calls to this FXO port are routed as the
action above shows. The non-blocked-caller_id route has the exact same
bridge line.

Am I just plain missing something about the FreeTDM module? Is it this

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

"Karl's version of Parkinson's Law: Work expands to exceed the time
alloted it."

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