[Freeswitch-users] UUID_Bridge Fails But Reports +OK

Antonio Teixeira eagle.antonio at gmail.com
Tue May 24 13:33:28 MSD 2011

Hello List , Good Morning.

In my fight to get ESL & Python & Freeswitch all to behave properly i
noticed a possible BUG ( need the veterans to confirm).

Scenario :

Originate & ValetPark () + MOH OR  Just Park() , Both show the same problem.
Codec G729

I Make another call:
originate & park()
codec G729

Now Python ESL Inbound Or FS Console :

uuid_bridge uuid1 uuid2

+OK uuid

Now one of the two things happen :

1) One the call gets connected hurray :) , Audio Perfect  , etc.

2) The call gets dropped :(

In both cases uuid_bridge reports +OK even in the case the call is dropped.
Even if i Park() Both Calls using the dialplan XML ( NO ESL with those
SYN/ASYNC Problems)  I still get sometimes ( not always) a dropped call
could this be related to the use of G729 ?

I have lots of available licenses.

António Teixeira
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