[Freeswitch-users] Problem Registrationerrors accessdata and server correct.

Thomas Hoellriegel admin at blindi.net
Fri May 20 01:26:54 MSD 2011

Hi all, i have a problem.
I have a Trunk.
  I can use from any other softphone these data, but not by fs.
Fs give a 403 errormessage.
I Send later with my recording.
My Gatewaysection is:
<gateway name="thomas1">
         <param name="username" value="thomas1"/>
         <param name="from-domain" value="strato-iphone.de"/>
         <param name="password" value="meinpasswd"/>
         <param name="caller-id-in-from" value="false"/>
         <param name="proxy" value="strato-iphone.de"/>
         <param name="expire-seconds" value="120"/>
         <param name="register" value="true"/>
         <param name="retry-seconds" value="60"/>
         <param name="extension" value="thomas1"/>

My trace now:
Script started on Do 19 Mai 2011 22:24:50 CEST
ubuntu:/tmp# /etc/init.d/freeswitch restart
ubuntu:/tmp# fs_cli
             _____ ____     ____ _     ___
            |  ___/ ___|   / ___| |   |_ _|
            | |_  \___ \  | |   | |    | |
            |  _|  ___) | | |___| |___ | |
            |_|   |____/   \____|_____|___|

* Anthony Minessale II, Ken Rice, Michael Jerris      *
* FreeSWITCH (http://www.freeswitch.org)              *
* Paypal Donations Appreciated: paypal at freeswitch.org *
* Brought to you by ClueCon http://www.cluecon.com/   *

Type /help <enter> to see a list of commands

+OK log level  [7]
freeswitch at internal> sofia loglevel all 9
Sofia log level for component [all] has been set to [9]
freeswitch at internal> 2011-05-19 22:26:54.797919 [NOTICE] sofia_reg.c:367 Registering mobile1
nua: nua_register: entering
nua(0x7fa78000d970): sent signal r_register
nua(0x7fa78000d970): recv signal r_register
nua: nua_stack_set_params: entering
soa_set_params(static::0x7fa78802c0f0, ...) called
nua(0x7fa78000d970): adding register usage
auth_digest_a1() has A1 = MD5(thomas1:strato-iphone.de:meinpasswd) = c6c958107e411451fe8880d3e42330b1
A2 = MD5(REGISTER:sip:strato-iphone.de;transport=udp)
auth_response: ca9d6bf51bcbd256e8be6d139097a85d = MD5(c6c958107e411451fe8880d3e42330b1:4dd57c75aa62e69ded38f11ed8f922eaed95f8a8:a9fc154a8935968d2d7aca6dbd10faa6) (qop=NONE)
nta: selecting scheme sip
sres_cache_get(0x14d52e0, SRV, "_sip._udp.strato-iphone.de.") called
sres_cache_get(0x14d52e0, SRV, "_sip._udp.strato-iphone.de.") returned 2 entries
nta: for "strato-iphone.de" query "_sip._udp.strato-iphone.de" SRV (cached)
nta: _sip._udp.strato-iphone.de IN SRV 0 0  5060 strato-iphone-1.sip.1und1.de. (udp)
nta: _sip._udp.strato-iphone.de IN SRV 0 0  5060 strato-iphone-2.sip.1und1.de. (udp)
sres_cache_get(0x14d52e0, A, "strato-iphone-1.sip.1und1.de.") called
nta: for "strato-iphone.de" query "strato-iphone-1.sip.1und1.de." A
sres_query(0x14da550, 0x7fa7880435f0, A, "strato-iphone-1.sip.1und1.de.") called
sres_send_dns_query(0x14da550, 0x7fa78805f990) called
sres_send_dns_query(0x14da550, 0x7fa78805f990) id=36318 A strato-iphone-1.sip.1und1.de. (to []:53)
sres_resolver_receive(0x14da550, 37) called
ANSWER RR received strato-iphone-1.sip.1und1.de. A IN 300 rdlen=4
ANSWER RR received strato-iphone-1.sip.1und1.de. A IN 300 rdlen=4
ANSWER RR received strato-iphone-1.sip.1und1.de. A IN 300 rdlen=4
ANSWER RR received strato-iphone-1.sip.1und1.de. A IN 300 rdlen=4
ANSWER RR received strato-iphone-1.sip.1und1.de. A IN 300 rdlen=4
ANSWER RR received strato-iphone-1.sip.1und1.de. A IN 300 rdlen=4
ANSWER RR received strato-iphone-1.sip.1und1.de. A IN 300 rdlen=4
ANSWER RR received strato-iphone-1.sip.1und1.de. A IN 300 rdlen=4
ANSWER RR received strato-iphone-1.sip.1und1.de. A IN 300 rdlen=4
ANSWER RR received strato-iphone-1.sip.1und1.de. A IN 300 rdlen=4
ANSWER RR received strato-iphone-1.sip.1und1.de. A IN 300 rdlen=4
ANSWER RR received strato-iphone-1.sip.1und1.de. A IN 300 rdlen=4
AUTHORITY RR received 1und1.de. NS IN 84886 rdlen=15
AUTHORITY RR received 1und1.de. NS IN 84886 rdlen=6
sres_resolver_receive(0x14da550, 0x7fa78805f990) id=36318 (from []:53)
nta: strato-iphone-1.sip.1und1.de. IN A
nta(0x7fa7880435f0):  A
nta(0x7fa7880435f0):  A
nta(0x7fa7880435f0):  A
nta(0x7fa7880435f0):  A
nta(0x7fa7880435f0):  A
nta(0x7fa7880435f0):  A
nta(0x7fa7880435f0):  A
nta(0x7fa7880435f0):  A
nta(0x7fa7880435f0):  A
nta(0x7fa7880435f0):  A
nta(0x7fa7880435f0):  A
tport_tsend(0x7fa788034fa0) tpn = udp/
tport_resolve addrinfo =
tport_by_addrinfo(0x7fa788034fa0): not found by name udp/
tport_vsend(0x7fa788034fa0): 872 bytes of 872 to udp/
tport_vsend returned 872
nta: sent REGISTER (12582343) to udp/
tport_pend(0x7fa788034fa0): pending 0x7fa7880aaae0 for udp/ (already 0)
nta: timer set to 32000 ms
nta: timer shortened to 1000 ms
tport_wakeup_pri(0x7fa788034fa0): events IN
tport_recv_iovec(0x7fa788034fa0) msg 0x7fa78001fd10 from (udp/ has 528 bytes, veclen = 1
tport_deliver(0x7fa788034fa0): msg 0x7fa78001fd10 (528 bytes) from udp/ next=(nil)
nta: received 401 Unauthorized for REGISTER (12582343)
nta: 401 Unauthorized is going to a transaction
nta_outgoing: RTT is 10.162 ms
tport_release(0x7fa788034fa0): 0x7fa7880aaae0 by 0x7fa7880435f0 with 0x7fa78001fd10
auth_digest_challenge_get(): got 3
auth_digest_a1() has A1 = MD5(thomas1:strato-iphone.de:meinpasswd) = c6c958107e411451fe8880d3e42330b1
A2 = MD5(REGISTER:sip:strato-iphone.de;transport=udp)
auth_response: 66a53a7552eb95e388d9c88413d6f4da = MD5(c6c958107e411451fe8880d3e42330b1:4dd57d2cf24de219e3a4b67ee77b6fb7091d4fd9:a9fc154a8935968d2d7aca6dbd10faa6) (qop=NONE)
nta: selecting scheme sip
sres_cache_get(0x14d52e0, SRV, "_sip._udp.strato-iphone.de.") called
sres_cache_get(0x14d52e0, SRV, "_sip._udp.strato-iphone.de.") returned 2 entries
nta: for "strato-iphone.de" query "_sip._udp.strato-iphone.de" SRV (cached)
nta: _sip._udp.strato-iphone.de IN SRV 0 0  5060 strato-iphone-1.sip.1und1.de. (udp)
nta: _sip._udp.strato-iphone.de IN SRV 0 0  5060 strato-iphone-2.sip.1und1.de. (udp)
sres_cache_get(0x14d52e0, A, "strato-iphone-1.sip.1und1.de.") called
sres_cache_get(0x14d52e0, A, "strato-iphone-1.sip.1und1.de.") returned 12 entries
nta: for "strato-iphone.de" query "strato-iphone-1.sip.1und1.de." A (cached)
nta: strato-iphone-1.sip.1und1.de. IN A
nta(0x7fa780020130):  A
nta(0x7fa780020130):  A
nta(0x7fa780020130):  A
nta(0x7fa780020130):  A
nta(0x7fa780020130):  A
nta(0x7fa780020130):  A
nta(0x7fa780020130):  A
nta(0x7fa780020130):  A
nta(0x7fa780020130):  A
nta(0x7fa780020130):  A
nta(0x7fa780020130):  A
tport_tsend(0x7fa788034fa0) tpn = udp/
tport_resolve addrinfo =
tport_by_addrinfo(0x7fa788034fa0): not found by name udp/
tport_vsend(0x7fa788034fa0): 872 bytes of 872 to udp/
tport_vsend returned 872
nta: sent REGISTER (12582344) to udp/
tport_pend(0x7fa788034fa0): pending 0x152b3e0 for udp/ (already 0)
nua(0x7fa78000d970): event r_register 100 Request Authorized by Cache
nua: nua_application_event: entering
nua: nua_handle_magic: entering
tport_wakeup_pri(0x7fa788034fa0): events IN
tport_recv_iovec(0x7fa788034fa0) msg 0x7fa78001e570 from (udp/ has 445 bytes, veclen = 1
tport_deliver(0x7fa788034fa0): msg 0x7fa78001e570 (445 bytes) from udp/ next=(nil)
nta: received 403 Contact User und Anrufernummer verschieden for REGISTER (12582344)
nta: 403 Contact User und Anrufernummer verschieden is going to a transaction
nta_outgoing: RTT is 9.805 ms
tport_release(0x7fa788034fa0): 0x152b3e0 by 0x7fa780020130 with 0x7fa78001e570
nua(0x7fa78000d970): event r_register 403 Contact User und Anrufernummer verschieden
nua(0x7fa78000d970): removing register usage
nua: nua_application_event: entering
2011-05-19 22:26:54.837925 [ERR] sofia_reg.c:1771 mobile1 Registration Failed with status Contact User und Anrufernummer verschieden [403]. failure #3
nua: nua_handle_magic: entering
2011-05-19 22:26:55.797927 [WARNING] sofia_reg.c:425 mobile1 Failed Registration [0], setting retry to 240 seconds.
nta: timer set next to 4009 ms
nta: timer K fired, terminate REGISTER (12582343)
outgoing_reclaim_all((nil), (nil), 0x7fa78c8d7d00)
nta_outgoing_timer: 0/0 resent, 0/0 tout, 1/2 term, 1/2 free
nta: timer set next to 9 ms
nta: timer K fired, terminate REGISTER (12582344)
outgoing_reclaim_all((nil), (nil), 0x7fa78c8d7d00)
nta_outgoing_timer: 0/0 resent, 0/0 tout, 1/1 term, 1/1 free
nta: timer not set

freeswitch at internal> /exit

ubuntu:/tmp# exit

Script done on Do 19 Mai 2011 22:28:40 CEST

Can your help please?

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