[Freeswitch-users] AC Problem?

Bill Dunn - VCI Internet Services admin at vci.net
Wed May 18 17:16:22 MSD 2011

The router is an old AT&T named router. I don't know who actually makes it. 
I'll have to research that.

The phone doesn't send back a 2nd REGISTER request in response to the 401.

I am now convinced the problem is somehow related to the router. I tried the 
same PAP2T behind a Cisco 3640 and it worked flawlessly. I also tried a 
different PAP2T purchased at the same time behind a Pardyne DSL modem/router 
and it worked perfectly. I also tried an X-Lite softphone and it did the 
same 401 errors. The router that seems to be the problem doesn't have any 
further firmware upgrades so I may have to replace it.

170.048156 98.93.145.xxx -> 207.162.18x.x SIP Request: REGISTER 
170.048512 207.162.18x.x -> 98.93.145.xxx SIP Status: 401 Unauthorized    (0 
174.047965 98.93.145.x -> 207.162.18x.x SIP Request: REGISTER 
174.048332 207.162.18x.x -> 98.93.145.xxx SIP Status: 401 Unauthorized    (0 

 Bill Dunn

----- Original Message ----- 
From: David Ponzone
To: FreeSWITCH Users Help
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 3:34 AM
Subject: Re: [Freeswitch-users] AC Problem?


The 401 Unauthorized is normal.
The client is supposed then to send back another REGISTER, with digest auth 
this time.
if you never added any specific ACL for auth, there is no reason the 
behavior to be different depending on the location of the phone.
But, I suppose a nasty router with a buggy SIP ALG could mess it up.
Also, check the packets coming from the not-working phone.
What does the phone do after receiving the 401 ?
Does it send back immediately another REGISTER which again is answered with 
a 401 ?
That could be because of a phone with a buggy digest auth implementation.

What brand/modem of phone is that ?

Are both phones the same ?

David Ponzone  Direction Technique
email: david.ponzone at ipeva.fr
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Le 18/05/2011 à 03:18, Bill Dunn - VCI Internet Services a écrit :
I have Freeswitch 1.0 running. I had been using it successfully until I took
a VOIP phone home and couldn't get it to register. I tried different VOIP
accounts on the box but they all do the same thing - 401 Unauthorized. I
suspected it may be ACL related but not sure. I have another VOIP phone at
another employee's house and it works properly without any modification to
the ACLs. How can I determine if it is an ACL problem or something else? I
don't get enough debugging output at the cli with "/log 7" and I've tried
watching the parkcets with wireshark. Neither give me enough info to
determine if the problem is an ACL or something else.

Bill Dunn

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