[Freeswitch-users] How to eliminate acoustic echo from server side(FreeSwitch)

Gabriel Gunderson gabe at gundy.org
Sat May 14 03:42:31 MSD 2011

On Sun, May 8, 2011 at 9:12 PM, vivid <vivid333 at 163.com> wrote:
> In the multi-party conference, because some termianl phone does not
> process echo, which causes the call have echo, so SERVER side needs to
> do echo processing. How to eliminate echo in this scenario?

Before you can really address echo issues, you need to have a good
understanding of the source.  We really don't have enough information
to work with here.

As you must already know, echo can be tricky.  I'd recommend you try
to 1) find the source and eliminate it if you can. 2) Try to solve it
with the right hardware offering. 3) If all else fails, you'll have to
do a lot of reading and get your head wrapped around the problem.

Good luck,

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