[Freeswitch-users] Skypopen: start_skype_clients script permissions

Chris Monkey ckmonkey158 at yahoo.com
Sat May 7 03:07:19 MSD 2011

First, Giovanni, Thank You for the new skypopen installer, it really makes things easy... and stable.

I am curious though, why must skype run as root? I'd prefer that it didn't, but I can't quite get it working when run as a normal user. I've given all rw permissions to /dev/dsp and the skype-clients-configuration-dir, which allows me to load mod_skypeopen and a skype call to ring in, but as soon as I answer, skypopen reports a hangup with normal clearing.

Am I missing a permission somewhere else, or is there a fundamental reason why skype must be root for this to work?


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