[Freeswitch-users] Socket stops receiving INVITE packets

Steven Ayre steveayre at gmail.com
Mon Mar 14 23:05:16 MSK 2011

Hi everyone,

I've got a strange problem on my servers which has happened 3 times in the
last month now...

I have FS listening on 2 IP addresses, bound to bond0 and bond0:0. FS
suddently stops processing any calls arriving on one of those IPs.

tcpdump/tshark still shows INVITE packets arriving on my server, but FS
doesn't process them and there are no 100 Trying etc replies.

Initially FreeSWITCH still owns the socket, the only odd thing is Send-Q is
    ss1:~# netstat -anp | head -n2
    Active Internet connections (servers and established)
    Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address
State       PID/Program name
    ss1:~# netstat -anp  | grep 5060
    tcp        0      0*
LISTEN      27587/freeswitch
    tcp        0      0*
LISTEN      27587/freeswitch
    udp        0    744*
    udp        0      0*

I stop freeswitch so I can restart it:
ss1:~# killall -9 freeswitch

Freeswitch is no longer running (no zombies etc):
ss1:~# ps faux | grep freeswitch
root     20723  0.0  0.0   5164   788 pts/3    S+   19:56   0:00          \_
grep --exclude-dir=.svn --color freeswitch

But the port is still open!
ss1:~# netstat -anp | grep :5060
udp        0    744*

This means I can't restart FreeSWITCH because the port is already in use! I
have to reboot to free the port up.

Has anyone seen this before? Does anyone know what could cause this?

Since it's still in use after FS has stopped, I'm thinking a Linux kernel
problem. I'm running Debian Lenny with kernel 2.6.26-2-amd64. The hardware
is a NEC server with 2x E5405 xeon (8cores total) and 8gb ram. It's happened
on 2 servers, so I'm thinking something in software. I updated kernel a
couple of months back so perhaps that's related, before that everything was
fine for 2 years.

Thanks everyone...

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