[Freeswitch-users] probem with configuring DIDs

Prime 29prime at gmail.com
Mon Mar 14 11:25:43 MSK 2011


This most likely is a newb mistake but I'm stuck at the moment.

Recently I had to add another provider to FS to handle incoming calls.
And now I have a problem with calling my new provider's DID number on
my FS.
I looked at FS logs.
Usually FS log says something like this " [INFO]
mod_dialplan_xml.c:418 Processing caller_number->My_DID in context
public" and then routes DID number to local extension,
but now I see something like this " [INFO] mod_dialplan_xml.c:418
Processing caller_number->caller_number in context public ".
Why new numbers does not match the regex?

The number are configured exactly as old ones.

Thanks in advance

Best regards

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