[Freeswitch-users] Freeswitch / Zywall USG100 problems

Mario G mario_fs at mgtech.com
Wed Mar 9 23:16:23 MSK 2011

Just wondering if anyone here can help. I replaced a Linksys/Cisco RV042 router with a Zywall USG100. It solved a lot but broke Freeswitch badly. Yes I ran traces, etc. Both routers are set to use a static wan and no natting, ext-ip-sip/rtp are the wan static address.  Just checking of anyone knows of a solution for one of these:

1. If I turn off ALG I cannot make a call  or receive calls, the traces shows time outs. No firewall issues, nothing in any log to show the issue,

2. If I do have ALG on I can make calls but the HOLD button no longer works. Phone (Linksys SPA962) says "Trying to Hold" then times out.

3. With ALG on (so I can make calls) when I call out the call drops in the middle of a conversation between 30 seconds and 5 minutes.

Been battling this and hope someone has already solved one of these. Thanks!

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