[Freeswitch-users] What is wrong with my extension?

Michael Collins msc at freeswitch.org
Fri Mar 4 22:13:01 MSK 2011


I recommend that you pastebin the entire debug output of the call, including
all the dialplan matching stuff. That will help narrow down what is
happening. Use pastebin.freeswitch.org and put the link in this thread.


On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 3:00 AM, Boris Kovalenko <boris at tagnet.ru> wrote:

> Hello!
> May someone tell me why the 73435 is stripped ???  And if I doing
> something wrong what is the right way. I'm useing FreeSWITCH Version
> 1.0.head (git-1c95ad9 2011-01-20 22-43-50 -0300)
>     Here is my extension:
> <!--
>             Transfer call to the TOP context
>         -->
> <extension name="top.ctx">
> <condition field="${v_tagnet_dst}" expression="^([0-9]+)$">
> <action application="log" data="ALERT [top.ctx] - transfer to top.ctx"/>
> <action application="log" data="ALERT [top.ctx] ORIG: ${v_tagnet_dst}
> REGEX: $1"/>
> <!-- Caller ID normalization -->
> <action application="execute_extension" data="ext_translate_src XML
> features"/>
> <action application="log" data="ALERT [top.ctx] - transfer to top.ctx $1"/>
> <action application="transfer" data="$1 XML top.ctx"/>
> </condition>
> </extension>
> Here is the output:
> 2011-03-04 15:56:42.127837 [ALERT] mod_dptools.c:1174 [top.ctx] -
> transfer to top.ctx
> 2011-03-04 15:56:42.129862 [ALERT] mod_dptools.c:1174 [top.ctx] ORIG:
> 73435230020 REGEX: 230020
> --
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