[Freeswitch-users] FreeTDM and Libpri with a Digium TE122 ... some calls not being answered...

Matt Paine mattzerah+freeswitch at gmail.com
Thu Mar 3 08:13:41 MSK 2011

Hi Guys.

Current setup is a FS box with a Digium TE122 installed, with DAHDI kernel
drivers and using FreeTDM with a libpri span...

== autoload_configs/freetdm.conf.xml ==

<configuration name="freetdm.conf" description="FreeTDM Configuration">
        <param name="debug" value="0"/>
        <param name="sip_headers" value="true"/>
        <span name="ISDN">
            <param name="mode" value="user"/>
            <param name="dialect" value="q931"/>
             <param name="dialplan" value="XML"/>
            <param name="context" value="public"/>

== freetdm.conf ==

cpu_monitor => yes
cpu_monitoring_interval => 1000
cpu_set_alarm_threshold => 80
cpu_reset_alarm_threshold => 70
cpu_alarm_action => warn

[span zt ISDN]
trunk_type => E1
b-channel => 1-15
d-channel => 16
b-channel => 17-21

== zt.conf ==
codec_ms => 20
wink_ms => 150
flash_ms => 750
echo_cancel_level => 128
rxgain => 0.0
txgain => 0.0

== /etc/dahdi/system.conf ==
# termtype: te
# Global data
loadzone    = au
defaultzone = au

And finally some logs from two calls, a successful one, and a failed one...

If anyone could offer any suggestions as to what I can do to answer every
incoming call into the box that would very appreciated. Of course if I need
to provide more information I am willing to, and any suggestions for
settings that need changing to test out will also be great.

Thank you in advance
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