[Freeswitch-users] pause and restart while recording?

Wes wes-fs at 499x.com
Thu Jun 30 00:23:38 MSD 2011

I tried it and got interesting results.

First, I recorded a file without this variable set.

Then, I tried recording using the same filename but with this variable 
set, and I got this error:
2011-06-29 15:07:21.284642 [ERR] mod_sndfile.c:194 Error Opening File 
[/tmp/recording.wav] [Error : Cannot open file in read/write mode due to 
string data in header.]

That made me think that when you use record_append, it will save the 
file differently than when you don't.

So I tried again, this time deleting the original wav file so it would 
create it fresh, and then, using the record_append setting, I was able 
to record my message. (speaking the number "one")

The filesize then was at:
-rw-r--r-- 1 transcribe transcribe 89052 2011-06-29 15:08 recording.wav

then, I called in again, and this time the recording should append to 
the existing recording.

I recorded my voice, and the filesize went to:
-rw-r--r-- 1 transcribe transcribe 162924 2011-06-29 15:09 recording.wav

The first message was speaking the number "one", second message was 
speaking the number "two".

Problem is, the message I heard was only the number "one"... even though 
the filesize doubled.... it did not append, and it kept the original 
message, even though it increased the filesize.

So, the record_append doesn't seem to work.  any other ideas on pausing 
and continuing recording?

On 6/29/2011 2:11 PM, Kris wrote:
> i havn't tried it but it seems if you set this variable
> Session.SetVariable("RECORD_APPEND", "true");
> before record it should append.
> Kris
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Wes"<wes-fs at 499x.com>
> To: "FreeSWITCH Users Help"<freeswitch-users at lists.freeswitch.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2011 9:13 AM
> Subject: Re: [Freeswitch-users] pause and restart while recording?
>> if I reuse the same filename as a previous recording, it just overwrites
>> it.
>> On 6/29/2011 10:32 AM, David Ponzone wrote:
>>> That's interesting, but what does FS do if you record over an existing
>>> file ? Does it append or does it overwrite it ?
>>> David Ponzone Direction Technique
>>> email: david.ponzone at ipeva.fr<mailto:david.ponzone at ipeva.fr>
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>>> Le 29/06/2011 à 16:00, Wes a écrit :
>>>> I'm writing the script in LUA... not sure how to answer your question
>>>> RE dialplan or ESL...
>>>> The lua script is triggered via the socket library from a php page,
>>>> and the arguments to the lua script are things like the phone number
>>>> to dial, and an id number to track things back.
>>>> The application is pretty simple, it just needs to call the desired
>>>> number, play instructions via voice commands, take a recording, allow
>>>> user to review the recording, rerecord it, and then finally submit
>>>> it.  It's going to be for medical dictation.  It's pretty much done
>>>> except for the pause feature.
>>>> Searching around the archives for the "pause during recording"
>>>> functionality, I found a few people discussing the need for pause in
>>>> relation to a transcription app, but couldn't figure out what came of
>>>> it.
>>>> I'm pretty close, as I already have a loop that will stop the
>>>> recording on a "#" keypress, so if it could just pause recording on a
>>>> different keypress, that would be great...
>>>> Thanks for the help!
>>>> On 6/28/2011 6:11 PM, Michael Collins wrote:
>>>>> Dialplan script or ESL? A dp script is a bad idea for this kind of
>>>>> thing. Anything that requires async ops like listening for digits
>>>>> while doing other things is a candidate for ESL.
>>>>> What cool new app are you working on? :)
>>>>> -MC
>>>>> On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 11:57 AM, Wes<wes-fs at 499x.com
>>>>> <mailto:wes-fs at 499x.com>>  wrote:
>>>>>      I couldn't find much on this:  Is it possible in lua script to
>>>>>      let the
>>>>>      user press a key to pause recording, and press a key again to
>>>>>      continue
>>>>>      the recording, just like a traditional recorder?
>>>>>      Thanks!
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