[Freeswitch-users] Proper prompt gain/level

Michael Collins msc at freeswitch.org
Tue Jun 28 19:18:12 MSD 2011

You can download the 48kHz files from files.freeswitch.org. The script
itself is nothing special - all it does is cycle through the target sampling
rates and run each file through sox. Here's a copy of the script:

rates="48000 32000 16000 8000"

for rate in $rates; do \
  mkdir -p $tmp_dir/$voice_dir
  for dir in `ls $base_dir`; do \
    test -d $tmp_dir/$voice_dir/$dir/$rate || mkdir -p
$tmp_dir/$voice_dir/$dir/$rate; \
    for filename in `ls $base_dir/$dir`; do \
      echo sox -v 0.2 $base_dir/$dir/$filename -r $rate -c 1
$tmp_dir/$voice_dir/$dir/$rate/$filename; \
      sox -v 0.2 $base_dir/$dir/$filename -r $rate -c 1
$tmp_dir/$voice_dir/$dir/$rate/$filename; \
    done ; \
  done ; \
  cd $tmp_dir
  echo tar -cvzf
$CWD/$tar_path/freeswitch-sounds-$voice-$rate-$version.tar.gz *; \
  tar -cvzf $CWD/$tar_path/freeswitch-sounds-$voice-$rate-$version.tar.gz *;
  cd -
  rm -rf $tmp_dir

cd $tar_path
for rate in $rates; do \
  openssl dgst -sha1 freeswitch-sounds-$voice-$rate-$version.tar.gz >
freeswitch-sounds-$voice-$rate-$version.tar.gz.sha1 ; \
  openssl dgst -md5 freeswitch-sounds-$voice-$rate-$version.tar.gz >
freeswitch-sounds-$voice-$rate-$version.tar.gz.md5 ; \
cd $CWD

Let me know if you have any suggestions.

On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 8:25 PM, Bryan Smart <bryansmart at bryansmart.com>wrote:

> -v is a multiplier. So, -v 0.2 reduces gain to 20% of original.
> It is typical to supply professionally recorded audio with peaks boosted to
> 0DBFS. That is probably how the prompts were originally supplied. It makes
> since that -v 0.2 would reduce the max power to 20%, around -15 to -16 DBFS.
> The FS build process downloads pre-processed versions of these files. Is
> there somewhere online that I can find the source recordings+script that
> produces the pre-processed files that are downloaded by the build process?
> Bryan
> On Jun 27, 2011, at 7:32 PM, Michael Collins wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 3:07 PM, Anthony Minessale <
> anthony.minessale at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Have a look at the 48khz versions of the files, those should be the
>> originals.
>> Someone runs a batch sox command on them to get them to the other levels.
> Just for the record, the sox command used to normalize the sounds is:
> sox -v 0.2 $file_in -r $rate -c 1 $file_out
> The -v format is the "volume" format and if I read the sox man page
> correctly it means a "linear amplitude adjustment". What I can't tell from
> the man page is whether .2 means "reduce by 20%" or "reduce to 20%" or
> something else. In any case, like Tony says, we are not picky about this as
> long as it's not pointlessly loud.
> -MC
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