[Freeswitch-users] ESL Send MESSAGE_WAITING Error - Cannot find profile

Avi Marcus avi at avimarcus.net
Tue Jun 28 18:10:09 MSD 2011

I'm trying to send a MESSAGE_WAITING via ESL on multi-tenant, but I'm
getting this error:

2011-06-27 10:46:25.443081 [ERR] sofia_presence.c:405 Cannot find profile

the cli lists the domain as an alias to the internal profile.

what should I do?

I am writing some test code in order to try to send MWI events using the ESL
Manager code DLL. Here is my test code:

static void InboundMode2(Object stateInfo)


        //Initializes a new instance of ESLconnection, and connects to the
host $host on the port $port, and supplies $password to freeswitch

        ESLconnection eslConnection = new ESLconnection(myinfo);

        if (eslConnection.Connected() != ESL_SUCCESS)


            Console.WriteLine("Error connecting to FreeSwitch");



        //Set log level


        eslConnection.Api("reloadxml", string.Empty);

        // Subscribe to all events

        ESLevent eslEvent2 = eslConnection.SendRecv("event plain ALL");

        if (eslEvent2 == null)


            Console.WriteLine("Error subscribing to all events");



        ESLevent eslEvent = new ESLevent("MESSAGE_WAITING", null);

        eslEvent.AddHeader("MWI-Messages-Waiting", "yes");

"103 at 20064.domain.com<103 at 20064.cmvtesttele.com>

        eslEvent.AddHeader("MWI-Voice-Message", "1/1 (1/1)");

        eslEvent = eslConnection.SendEvent(eslEvent);

        if (eslEvent == null)


            Console.WriteLine("event error");



        //Turns an event into colon-separated 'name: value' pairs. The
format parameter isn't used


        // Grab Events until process is killed

        while (eslConnection.Connected() == ESL_SUCCESS)


            eslEvent = eslConnection.RecvEvent();




When I send the event, I am getting a debug message from FS as follows:

2011-06-27 10:46:25.443081 [ERR] sofia_presence.c:405 Cannot find profile


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