[Freeswitch-users] Proper prompt gain/level

Michael Collins msc at freeswitch.org
Tue Jun 28 03:32:35 MSD 2011

On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 3:07 PM, Anthony Minessale <
anthony.minessale at gmail.com> wrote:

> Have a look at the 48khz versions of the files, those should be the
> originals.
> Someone runs a batch sox command on them to get them to the other levels.

Just for the record, the sox command used to normalize the sounds is:
sox -v 0.2 $file_in -r $rate -c 1 $file_out

The -v format is the "volume" format and if I read the sox man page
correctly it means a "linear amplitude adjustment". What I can't tell from
the man page is whether .2 means "reduce by 20%" or "reduce to 20%" or
something else. In any case, like Tony says, we are not picky about this as
long as it's not pointlessly loud.

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