[Freeswitch-users] Reject SIP registrations

Kurtis Heimerl kheimerl at cs.berkeley.edu
Mon Jun 27 05:23:06 MSD 2011

Hello FS Users!

I'm trying to create the following setup. When a user registers, if
they register on a known account (lets say X), they do not need a
password. X's registration is immediately OK'd, and everything is
great. I've gotten that working using the ACL. The IP address of our
SIP clients are added through cidr and the clients do not need to give

However, for some reason, if another account that does not exist in
the directory (let's say Y) registers, FS returns with a 200 OK,
instead of rejecting Y. I'm trying to figure out why this is the case,
and how to remedy that fact.

I have the following line in my internal.xml file, which I had assumed
would force this function:
   <!-- Force the user and auth-user to match. -->
   <param name="inbound-reg-force-matching-username" value="true"/>

However, it does not work. In my directory, each individual account as
the following lines:
  <user id="1303">
      <param name="accept-blind-reg" value="true"/>
      <param name="accept-blind-auth" value="true"/>
      <param name="vm-password" value="1000"/>

Though I've found that removing it (from all users in the directory)
doesn't help.

I'm primarily concerned with the line in internal.xml; it seems
possible that the fact that we do not have an auth-user (because we do
not require auth) means that this won't work. However, I have yet to
test that hypothesis. The ACL has been the most confusing aspect of
this installation, with a lot of undocumented aspects, and I get the
nagging feeling this is another. I could very well be wrong though.

Thanks for any direction.

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